Phasellus sed ultrices lacus. Mauris ut dapibus felis, eu egestas ante. Vestibulum justo, dictum ut libero sit amet, laoreet euismod ante. Pellentesque faucibus ligula tortor, vel ultrices justo sagittis nec. Proin sit amet eleifend eros. Cras pulvinar lectus laoreet, eu fermentum sapien pellentesque.
Quisque a ante iaculis, varius felis et, pretium nisi. Sed sit amet lorem maximus, commodo massa egestas, sodales eros. Nulla at finibus tortor, in sollicitudin est. Cras consequat viverra lacus eget iaculis. Aenean est erat, interdum ac sapien sit amet, hendrerit rutrum sapien. Etiam tempor rhoncus odio, vitae scelerisque.
I will personally audit your ad accounts using our proprietary 100+ point rubric to help you identify areas of opportunity and growth. We find room to improve in over 80% of our audits. You’ll walk away with a roadmap to increase your revenue from your paid ads. Implement the changes yourself or hire our team at Ascenditt to do it for you.
request ads auditOur head email and SMS strategist will audit your Klaviyo account using our 108 point checklist. The audit results will provide a clear step by step set of instructions to improve your email and SMS marketing campaigns and increase revenue. We find missed revenue opportunities in over 80% of our audits. Implement the changes yourself or hire our team at Sendtonium to do it for you.
request auditAs a successful entrepreneur, an expert marketer, a cancer survivor, and a husband I can bring a unique and valuable perspective to your event audience, whether you are looking for motivational content, business execution, technical marketing and sales or something in between.
book me to speakWhether it’s general business operations, marketing, sales, raising capital, or even selling your business, I can help you create a roadmap for overcoming your current challenges or maximizing your major opportunities. Sit down with me for a one-time engagement or meet with me on a recurring basis.
BOOK A CONSULTATIONI’ve spoken on many of the top business and entrepreneur podcasts and will bring a wealth of value, insight, and entertainment to your audience for free.
podcast booking